Package com.townleyenterprises.trace

Interface Summary
Traceable This interface allows objects to be more easily integrated into the trace mechanism.
TraceStream This interface is implemented by classes which can write trace information.

Class Summary
BasicTrace This class implements a proposal by Phil Hourihane (one of my colleagues at Meridian) as a compromise to still have the tracing capabilites, but reduce the number of lines of code required to provide complete (or mostly complete) coverage of the exits from methods expected to throw exceptions.
ErrorTrace This class implements generic trace facilities.
FileTraceStream This class provides an implementation of the TraceStream interface in terms of a system file.
MethodTrace This class augments the trace core with a way to track the name of the currently traced method.
SystemTraceStream This class provides a TraceStream implementation which is based on System.err and is the default trace stream used unless otherwise configured.
TraceCore This class represents the core of the original ErrorTrace class and contains the basic management of the trace facilities.
TraceHelper This class allows generating standard trace representations of various JDK data structures.
TraceMessage This class encapsulates a message which is to be written to the trace log.

Copyright © 2002-2004, Andrew S. Townley and Townley Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
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