Package com.townleyenterprises.validator

Interface Summary
FieldSetValidator This interface defines a mechanism for the validation of an arbitrary set of fields on a form.
FieldValidator This interface defines the generic capabilities of a form field validation operation.
Form This interface represents a generalized form.
FormValidator This interface defines the validation functionality of a form as a whole.
ValidationListener This interface is designed to allow the efficient capture of validation faliures during form validation.

Class Summary
BasicFormValidator This class is a bean which provides a basic implementation of a form validator which will perform the validations in the correct order.
FieldSetValidationEvent This event is fired whenever a field set validation has failed.
FieldValidationEvent This event is fired whenever a field validation has failed.
IntRangeValidator This validator takes a minimum and maximum integer value to be used for validation purposes.
ValidationEvent This event is the basis for all of the validation failure events.

Exception Summary
FieldSetValidationException This exception is thrown when a field set validator fails.
FieldValidationException This exception is thrown when a field validator fails.

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