Class BasicTrace

  extended bycom.townleyenterprises.trace.TraceCore
      extended bycom.townleyenterprises.trace.MethodTrace
          extended bycom.townleyenterprises.trace.BasicTrace

public class BasicTrace
extends MethodTrace

This class implements a proposal by Phil Hourihane (one of my colleagues at Meridian) as a compromise to still have the tracing capabilites, but reduce the number of lines of code required to provide complete (or mostly complete) coverage of the exits from methods expected to throw exceptions. Personally, I still feel that this approach is no substitute for the fully instrumented version, but I can see why it might be desirable to implement.

This class should be used in the following manner to instrument a method:

 	private static BasicTrace _trace = new BasicTrace("MyClass", 0);
 	public int someMethod(String param1, int param2) throws Exception
 		final String[] pnames = new String[] { "param1", "param2" };
 		_trace.methodStart("someMethod", pnames,
 			new Object[] { param1, new Integer(param2) });

 		int rc = 0;
 			// code that could throw an exception
 			return _trace.methodReturn(rc);

The idea here is that you still get the entry and exit in the normal case, but you don't have to attempt to check for all possible exceptions which could be thrown (and upset the method name stack of the MethodTrace class).

$Id:,v 1.1 2004/11/27 17:32:50 atownley Exp $
Phil Hourihane (API specification), Andrew S. Townley

Field Summary
static java.lang.String TRACE_EXIT_FMT
          This method indicates a normal trace return
Fields inherited from class com.townleyenterprises.trace.MethodTrace
Constructor Summary
BasicTrace(java.lang.String name)
          The constructor initializes the trace core instance.
BasicTrace(java.lang.String name, int maturity)
          The constructor initializes the trace core instance.
BasicTrace(java.lang.String name, int maturity, int threshold)
          This constructor also sets the threshold when the method information will be printed (overriding the default value of 1).
Method Summary
 void methodExit()
          This method should be called to indicate a normal exit from the method (either as a result of an exception, or from no exception being thrown.
Methods inherited from class com.townleyenterprises.trace.MethodTrace
methodArg, methodArg, methodArg, methodArg, methodArg, methodArg, methodArgs, methodReturn, methodReturn, methodReturn, methodReturn, methodReturn, methodReturn, methodReturn, methodReturn, methodReturn, methodStart, methodStart, methodStart, methodThrow, methodThrow, popCurrentMethod
Methods inherited from class com.townleyenterprises.trace.TraceCore
getInstanceTraceLevel, getShowThreadNameAlways, getShowTimestamp, getTimestampFormat, getTraceFile, getTraceLevel, getTraceLevel, getTraceStream, loadInstanceSettings, loadSettings, printStackTrace, setInstanceTraceLevel, setShowThreadNameAlways, setShowTimestamp, setTimestampFormat, setTraceFile, setTraceLevel, setTraceLevel, tprintln, tprintln, willTrace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String TRACE_EXIT_FMT
This method indicates a normal trace return

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public BasicTrace(java.lang.String name)
The constructor initializes the trace core instance.


public BasicTrace(java.lang.String name,
                  int maturity)
The constructor initializes the trace core instance.


public BasicTrace(java.lang.String name,
                  int maturity,
                  int threshold)
This constructor also sets the threshold when the method information will be printed (overriding the default value of 1).

name - the trace name
maturity - the maturity of the class
threshold - the default threshold
Method Detail


public void methodExit()
This method should be called to indicate a normal exit from the method (either as a result of an exception, or from no exception being thrown.

Copyright © 2002-2004, Andrew S. Townley and Townley Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
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