Package com.townleyenterprises.swing

Interface Summary
MonitoredTask The interface which provides monitoring feedback for long running operations.
UIBuilder This interface is part of an implementation of the Builder pattern which provides ways to dynamically build portions of a Swing application's User Interface.

Class Summary
AbstractMonitoredTask This is an implementation of the MonitoredTask interface which requires only that a single method be implemneted.
AbstractUIBuilder This class provides a convenient base class for concrete implementations of the UIBuilder interface.
ResourceUIBuilder This class provides a concrete implementation of the UIBuilder interface which reads the UI descriptions from a resource bundle.
SpringHints This class is used to provide per-component layout hints to the SpringUtils utility class.
TAboutBox This is a pretty basic about box.
ThemeLoader This class is similar to the ResourceLoader, but it isn't dealing with the same sort of information.
TStatusBar This is a GUI class representing a status bar common to most applications.

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