Class CommandParser

  extended bycom.townleyenterprises.command.CommandParser
All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CommandParser
extends java.lang.Object
implements CommandListener

This class provides support for parsing command-line arguments.

$Id:,v 1.19 2004/11/28 20:15:27 atownley Exp $
Andrew S. Townley

Constructor Summary
CommandParser(java.lang.String appName)
          The default constructor initializes the parser with the standard '-' and '--' switches for the short and long options.
CommandParser(java.lang.String appName, java.lang.String argHelp)
          This version of the constructor alows a description for the unhandled arguments to be supplied to the parser.
CommandParser(java.lang.String appName, java.lang.String argHelp, char sSwitch, java.lang.String lSwitch)
          This version of the constructor allows the client to specify the switch characters to be used for the short and long options.
CommandParser(java.lang.String appName, java.lang.String argHelp, char sSwitch, java.lang.String lSwitch, java.lang.String endOfArgsMarker)
          This version of the constructor allows the client to specify the switch characters to be used for the short and long options.
Method Summary
 void addCommandListener(CommandListener listener)
          This method is used to register a new command listener with the parser.
 void addConstraint(OptionConstraint constraint)
          This method is used to add an option constraint to the parser.
 void enableAutohelp(boolean autohelp, boolean allowZeroArgs)
          This method tells the parser to automatically handle command lines with the help character.
 void executeCommands()
          This method is used to check all of the command constraints and execute all of the options.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          This method is used to retrieve the description of the command listener's options when printing the help message.
 CommandOption[] getOptions()
          This method is called by the CommandParser to determine all of the arguments that should be handled by the listener.
 java.lang.String[] getUnhandledArguments()
          This method allows the client of the argument parser to retrieve any unhandled arguments in the argument list.
 void help()
          This method prints the automatically generated help messages for the registered options.
 void optionMatched(CommandOption opt, java.lang.String arg)
          This method is called whenever an arguement registered with the parser is detected in the argument stream.
 void parse(java.lang.String[] args)
          This is the main parsing function that should be called to trigger the parsing of the command-line arguments registered with the parser.
 void removeCommandListener(CommandListener listener)
          This method is used to unregister a command listener with the parser.
 void removeConstraint(OptionConstraint constraint)
          This method is used to remove a constraint from the parser.
 void setAbortExecuteOnError(boolean val)
          This method is used to configure the command parser to stop executing commands when an unhandled exeception is thrown by an option.
 void setExitOnMissingArg(boolean val, int status)
          This method is used to configure the command parser to exit with the specified return code when it encounters arguments with missing required parameters.
 void setExtraHelpText(java.lang.String preamble, java.lang.String postamble)
          This method is used to set optional text which can be printed before and after the command option descriptions.
 void usage()
          This method is used to print the usage summary information.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CommandParser(java.lang.String appName)
The default constructor initializes the parser with the standard '-' and '--' switches for the short and long options. To use a different switch, the alternate constructor may be used instead.

appName - the name of the application


public CommandParser(java.lang.String appName,
                     java.lang.String argHelp)
This version of the constructor alows a description for the unhandled arguments to be supplied to the parser. Primarily this is intended for use by the autohelp feature.

appName - the name of the application
argHelp - the help for the additional arguments which may be supplied to the application


public CommandParser(java.lang.String appName,
                     java.lang.String argHelp,
                     char sSwitch,
                     java.lang.String lSwitch)
This version of the constructor allows the client to specify the switch characters to be used for the short and long options.

appName - the name of the application
argHelp - the help for the additional arguments which may be supplied to the application
sSwitch - the single character option switch
lSwitch - the long option switch
java.lang.RuntimeException - if a single character is used for the long switch


public CommandParser(java.lang.String appName,
                     java.lang.String argHelp,
                     char sSwitch,
                     java.lang.String lSwitch,
                     java.lang.String endOfArgsMarker)
This version of the constructor allows the client to specify the switch characters to be used for the short and long options. It also allows the specification of the string to mark the end of the argument list. By default, this string is -- which conforms to the POSIX standard.

appName - the name of the application
argHelp - the help for the additional arguments which may be supplied to the application
sSwitch - the single character option switch
lSwitch - the long option switch
endOfArgsMarker - the string marking the end of the argument list (may be null). Anything after this string is treated as a leftover argument.
java.lang.RuntimeException - if a single character is used for the long switch
Method Detail


public void enableAutohelp(boolean autohelp,
                           boolean allowZeroArgs)
This method tells the parser to automatically handle command lines with the help character. Optionally, the help or usage can be printed when no arguments are specified. By default autohelp is enabled and zero arguments are allowed.

autohelp - true to use autohelp; false to disable
allowZeroArgs - true to allow commands to have no arguments; false to require at least one argument


public void addCommandListener(CommandListener listener)
This method is used to register a new command listener with the parser.

listener - the CommandListener instance


public void removeCommandListener(CommandListener listener)
This method is used to unregister a command listener with the parser.

listener - the CommandListener instance


public void parse(java.lang.String[] args)
This is the main parsing function that should be called to trigger the parsing of the command-line arguments registered with the parser.

args - the command-line arguments to parse


public java.lang.String[] getUnhandledArguments()
This method allows the client of the argument parser to retrieve any unhandled arguments in the argument list. The main use of this method is to get options such as file names from the command line.

an array of String objects or a zero-length array if none were present


public void optionMatched(CommandOption opt,
                          java.lang.String arg)
Description copied from interface: CommandListener
This method is called whenever an arguement registered with the parser is detected in the argument stream.

Specified by:
optionMatched in interface CommandListener
opt - the CommandOption matched by the parser
arg - the argument (if any) specified for the option


public CommandOption[] getOptions()
Description copied from interface: CommandListener
This method is called by the CommandParser to determine all of the arguments that should be handled by the listener.

Specified by:
getOptions in interface CommandListener
an array of CommandOption arguments. In the case where no arguments are specified (why would you bother?), a zero-length array should be returned.


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Description copied from interface: CommandListener
This method is used to retrieve the description of the command listener's options when printing the help message. Usually it is the name of the application or subsystem.

Specified by:
getDescription in interface CommandListener


public void help()
This method prints the automatically generated help messages for the registered options.


public void usage()
This method is used to print the usage summary information.


public void setExitOnMissingArg(boolean val,
                                int status)
This method is used to configure the command parser to exit with the specified return code when it encounters arguments with missing required parameters.

val - toggles the behavior
status - the exit status to pass to System.exit()


public void setAbortExecuteOnError(boolean val)
This method is used to configure the command parser to stop executing commands when an unhandled exeception is thrown by an option.

val - toggles the behavior


public void setExtraHelpText(java.lang.String preamble,
                             java.lang.String postamble)
This method is used to set optional text which can be printed before and after the command option descriptions.

preamble - the text to be printed before the option descriptions
postamble - the text to be printed after the option descriptions


public void executeCommands()
                     throws java.lang.Exception
This method is used to check all of the command constraints and execute all of the options.

java.lang.Exception - if anything bad happens


public void addConstraint(OptionConstraint constraint)
This method is used to add an option constraint to the parser.

constraint - the constraint to check


public void removeConstraint(OptionConstraint constraint)
This method is used to remove a constraint from the parser.

constraint - the constraint to remove

Copyright © 2002-2004, Andrew S. Townley and Townley Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
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