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28-Dec-2004  Upload of Libro into CVS

Libro is a demonstration application which accompanies the Java edition of te-common and illustrates production use of the features found in the library.

The application uses several other open source projects to provide key pieces of functionality. Notably, these are:

Currently, there is only a bare minimum of functionality present in the application, but I expect it will grow as the 3.0 release is closer to completion. The intent is that it will be released along with the necessary version of te-common.

The libro source is available from CVS by checking out the libro module. The module is available from the top of the CVS tree.

29-Nov-2004  Upload of 3.0.0-pre2 to SourceForge

The 3.0.0-pre2 release of the Java edition is now available on SourceForge for download in both binary and source distributions. Changes for this release include a very minor bug-fix to the com.townleyenterprises.filter.QueryFilter relating to the handling of QueryOperator.GE and QueryOperator.LE.

This is also the first unified release of the Java versions of te-common and te-trace. Users of previous versions should remove any te-trace.jar files they have when upgrading to 3.0.0-pre2 as there could be conflicts between which classes are actually being used. At the moment, they are identical, but I can't guarantee how long that will be true.

Other than that, this version includes lots of unit tests for the com.townleyenterprises.filter package based on finding the bug with GE/LE and wanting it all to work correctly.

23-Nov-2004  Upload of 3.0.0-pre1 to SourceForge

The 3.0.0-pre1 release of the Java edition hit SourceForge in both source and binary forms on the 21st, however there was a problem uploading just the source package. This problem has now been fixed and both versions of the release are present. Apologies for any problems and/or confusion this may have caused.

21-Nov-2004  Finally! A New Look

After entirely too long, I managed to get around to giving the site a bit of a makeover. Hopefully, there will now be a lot more information here along with more updates.

02-Nov-2004  ESB Stencil Expanded

Based on actually trying to use these things, I discovered that my icons were a little large for more complicated diagrams. Therefore, I have now added smaller versions of each of the base icons to the stencil.

31-Oct-2004  ESB Stencil Added

After finishing the book Enterprise Service Bus by Dave Chappell of Sonic Software, I decided that it would be in the interest of the community to create a set of stencils based on the ones used in his book. These have been added to the te-code/tools module of CVS.

Below is an example from the book created using the stencil.

28-Jul-2004  On The Road to 3.0

Having now implemented parts of the libraries for both Java and .NET, I realized that there were some better ways to do things than what was in the earlier 2.1.0-pre2 release. Therefore, I am now focused on migrating some of the new ideas into the Java and getting the unit tests in place. Since a lot of things have been added since the 2.0 release, it makes sense to go ahead and rev the major version number.

I'm sure a few things will be deprecated, but both for my own sanity and for anyone who might be using this code, I intend to not break backwards compatibility any more than necessary (if at all).

26-Jul-2004  Experimental Validator Package Added

After not really messing with it for a year, I am once again looking at the subject of validation, but in a more general sense than the facilities provided by the Jakarta Commons Validator or by Struts Framework. These two packages are related, but they are targeted towards validation of web/HTML forms. I'm looking at the problem a bit more abstractly, and hope to define a general mechanism which will apply in stand-alone GUI applications, batch processing and in web applications. Watch this space, but I'll warn you now... the code is very much a work in progress.

19-Jul-2004  Internal Release of te-common.NET-3.0.0-pre2

Second controlled release. Making progress towards initial stability, but still a ways to go.

28-Jun-2004  Internal Release of te-common.NET-3.0.0-pre1

This is the first, very controlled, release of the .NET edition. I'm not putting it up on SourceForge yet, because I don't think it's ready for a wider audience. We'll see how it goes with my internal customers.

21-Jun-2004  Versioning NAnt Task for .NET

After discovering some differences in functionality between Jakarta Ant and what is currently implemented in NAnt, I bit the bullet and implemented a custom NAnt task to deal with versioning the library (and other projects).

Similar functionality is now in place for the Java and .NET versions of the library, but things are a lot cleaner with the custom task. I think I need to look into just doing this for the Java one as well since the gymnastics done in the build.xml are pretty complicated. That's a job for another day, though...

09-Jun-2004  Hello, NAnt!

All I can say is that I'm soooo happy that the NAnt Team exists! I was really getting tired of messing around with make again--especially with the version that comes with the Microsoft tools.

The .NET version of the project now includes a te-common.xml build file that is based on the one for the Java version. At least my life is a lot better regarding doing builds.

19-May-2004  Initial Import of te-common.NET

Today the initial port of te-common's command line argument handling library was added to the CVS repository. The source may be retrieved by checking out the te-code/te-common.NET module.

Currently, the project provides build support for both Ximian's Mono project, version 0.31 as well as using nmake under Windows and the Microsoft .NET SDK, version 1.1. As an aside, I had forgotten what a pain it was to make platform-independent makefiles...

07-Jun-2003  te-common-2.0-Beta2 Released

This is the initial release of the Sourceforge hosted project code.